Closure of causeway veterinary clinic
It is with regret that, as of 30 June 2024, I have decided to close Causeway Veterinary Clinic due to retirement.
After many years of working on my own, I have been unable to find a suitable successor and I am unwilling to sell to a corporate business.
I appreciate that this may be inconvenient, but I am happy to arrange for clinical history to be forwarded to your new practice. Please contact the surgery by 10/07/2024 via the surgery phone number (028 2073 2769) or e-mail ( as my mobile will no longer be contactable after 30/06/2024.
In the future I am hoping to run a part-time clinic for surgical cases only. The details of this have yet to be finalised. If you wish to avail of this service, please send an email to the address above.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for business and support.
Wishing you and your pets all the best in the future.
W. P. McCullough